IMPOSSIBLE STREET ART - an intricately conceived new project by JOSEPH FORD, created in collaboration with renowned street artists to showcase the work they would create if there were NO LIMITS...
Joseph collaborates with Peeta - super talented Venice-based graffiti artist, muralist, oil painter and sculptor whose 3-dimensional style bends surface, buildings and minds…
Mexican textile, installation and street artist Victoria Villasana - whose work adorns gallery and city walls everywhere from London & LA to Mexico City & Guadalajara - collaborated with Joseph on a stunning textile X photography creation. “The use of embroidery is her nod to female empowerment. “Working with fabric makes me feel connected with an inner rebellious femininity. Embroidery is undervalued as just a ‘woman’s craft’ – but it’s something that reminds us of all those amazing women in our lives that nurture us.”
4/8 JOSEPH FORD X PEETA. Shoreham Cement Works
5/8 JOSEPH FORD X VICTORIA VILLASANA. Les Arenes de Picasso, Paris