Joseph Ford - Lego / Adidas

We’re delighted to be able to share Joseph Ford's recent campaign for LEGOxAdidas.

We Are Social created a campaign to highlight the endless creative possibilities of the LEGO Adidas Originals Superstar, encouraging wearers to get creative with their designs...

Joseph was commissioned to capture still life photography and stop motion stills of stunning LEGOxAdidas collaborations with six unique creators - @afrokickz , @ornamentalconifer , @helsoe , @178kz_boy , @tomyoo23 and @letasobierajski .


Phil Fisk - Wayne McGregor / Observer

Phil Fisk shoots Royal Ballet choreographer Wayne McGregor for Observer.

Famed for his cerebral experimentation and edgy imagination… he had no access to elite ballet schools growing up. But he did have John Travolta and disco to spark a lifelong obsession.”

He “has spoken of dance in iconoclastic ways: as an opportunity to “misbehave beautifully”…

What a wonderful concept!!

Such beautiful shots too :)

Phil Fisk - Time Passing...

…or Phil just passing the time.

A left over prop skull was transformed by time lapse, and stylist Vic Twyman, over several days in lockdown.

Phil commented on the project that, “the edit started to border on horror but was eventually rested in somber reflection. I hope. And it was all achIeved in a garden shed… except the edit.”

The beautiful soundtrack was created by Phil’s mate Alan Fairnie.

Joseph Ford - Schön Magazine / Paperboy - FILM

A breath-taking new commission by JOSEPH FORD for SCHÖN MAGAZINE.

Exploring the challenges of teen life, Paperboy is a metaphor for being a little bit different.

The amazing Jaina Minton dedicated an unreasonable amount of her time (blood, sweat and tears!) to creating Paperboy’s suit. Huge shout out to Sid who managed to keep calm inside the Paperboy suit for two days!

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Chris Floyd - Good Ordinary Claret for Berry Brothers

Since 2016, Berry Bros. & Rudd, London wine merchants founded in the 17th century, have commissioned a different artist each year to design the label for their much loved 'Good Ordinary Claret'. In 2019 Iain Forsyth and Jane Pollard were commissioned to produce the label and they recreated a long forgotten Victorian invention - the multigraph - which, by clever arrangement of mirrors, allows people to be photographed in such a way as to render 5 versions of the sitter, all at different angles in the final image. Iain and Jane adapted the original invention by laster cutting the bottle's silhouette into the edges of the two mirrors that meet in the middle and slotting the bottle into the available hole. This clever trick and use of 21st century technology allowed for a final image with just one bottle but 5 wine glasses, the idea being that 'one bottle may nourish many glasses'. This photographed image then became the label for Berry Bros. & Rudd 2019 Good Ordinary Claret.