Chris Floyd - P&O / Gary Barlow

GARY BARLOW was recently appointed musical director for the 710 Club on the the new P&O ship, IONA, launching this year. CHRIS FLOYD was delighted to be asked to spend a day shooting with Gary to mark the announcement. Our amazing team built a wonderful set with just the right amount of late night club vibe for the shoot.

Gary will perform onboard at the 710 Club later this year with all proceeds going towards Child Bereavement UK and Teenage Cancer Trust.

Joseph Ford - Schön Magazine / Paperboy - FILM

A breath-taking new commission by JOSEPH FORD for SCHÖN MAGAZINE.

Exploring the challenges of teen life, Paperboy is a metaphor for being a little bit different.

The amazing Jaina Minton dedicated an unreasonable amount of her time (blood, sweat and tears!) to creating Paperboy’s suit. Huge shout out to Sid who managed to keep calm inside the Paperboy suit for two days!

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Personal: Joseph Ford - Invisible Jumpers published by Hoxton Mini Press

Joseph's "knitted camouflage" project with Nina Dodd has now been published by Hoxton Mini Press as a beautiful hard-back book entitled 'Invisible Jumpers'. The book features 25 pieces of bespoke knitwear worn by humans, dogs and bananas alike - blending seamlessly into their surroundings thanks to more than 1000 hours of knitting and endless hours lining up the camera for the perfect shot.