Something quite breath-taking about this portrait of a portrait!
One of BOTTICELLI's final works, painted in the late 15th / early 16th century, "THE MAN OF SORROWS", was filmed by CHRIS FLOYD prior to its sale at auction at SOTHEBY’S in January 2022 for a staggering $45.5M. It had previously changed hands in 1963 for £10,000.
Described by CHRISTOPHER APOSTLE, head of the Old Masters Department as, “one of the most potent, humbling works I have ever encountered. Though seemingly religious, it’s a painting of enormous humanity—a portrait of human suffering and spirituality that speaks a universal language.”
CHRIS was given access to the painting for a day and shot this film. Everything you see was done in camera with controlled use of lighting and some quick draw finger work on light switches from everyone involved!