“Peyo has always hankered for a simple life. Originally from the Basque region of Spain but with French ancestry he has always felt like a nomad and travelled the world after university, working in bars and restaurants, gradually losing any motivation to pursue the product design he had studied for. In 2008 he was knocked off his motor bike, sustaining severe concussion and a lengthy time in hospital. A generous insurance payment bought him a period of reflection and he applied for an allotment, initially to stretch out the money and start living off the land but its appeal grew like his plants and quickly enveloped him. These new cultivation skills and constant reading inspired him to investigate the world of herbal medicine and to start making his own remedies. His back and arms still ache but his natural medicines and gentle digging are working to alleviate it. He thinks of himself as an alchemist although has no desire to create gold, just a simple ambition to use the natural properties of minerals and herbs to create change in himself and those around him.”